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Techno-Morality: Interview with Dr. Shannon Vallor
Thinking outside the black box: AI and the shrinking space of moral reasons - Shannon Vallor, Ph.D.
Prof Shannon Vallor's lecture on "Technomoral Virtues and the Future of Human Flourishing"
Shannon Vallor | The digital basanos: AI and the virtue and violence of truth-telling
Tech on Earth Podcast, Episode 4: “Virtue Ethics and Technomoral Futures”
Shannon Vallor on "Technology's Unpaid Debt" at the Montreal Speaker Series in the Ethics of AI
Keynote Speaker: Shannon Vallor
WTSA 2015 - Shannon Vallor
Dr. Shannon Vallor, Santa Clara University | Accenture Technology Vision 2018
Shannon Vallor@RP2020
Ethics, Law, and Society Forum - February 14, 2017 - Shannon Vallor
"What does responsible robotics mean to you?" with Shannon Vallor